Arbitration is a legal technique for the resolution of disputes outside the courts. The parties in a dispute argue their case to an arbitrator. The arbitrator reaches a decision after studying arguments from both sides. Arbitration can be either voluntary or mandatory and can be legally binding or non-binding.
Should I arbitrate my case?
The only people to make this decision would be you and your attorney, unless there is a court order. All parties involved must agree to attend arbitration and are bound by the arbitrator's decision.
At the arbitration hearing, each side has the opportunity to tell their side of the story and present any witnesses and/or documents. After the evidence is presented, the arbitrator, will make a decision about the case. The arbitrator’s decision can give parties a reasonable idea of the outcome of their case. If neither party appeals the decision, it will be binding, like an order by a judge. However, if a party is unhappy with the arbitrator’s decision they can request a new trial before a judge.
Tom Bush is a dedicated attorney who is trained as a family law arbitrator. To schedule an arbitration with Tom Bush, please click one of the links below. Once we receive your date, we will contact you to confirm the appointment. You may also call our office at 704-347-0110 to book an arbitration with Tom through his paralegal, Brittney.