Women Attorneys of TBLG Support the LBDI
Little Black Dress Initiative
This week, the women attorneys of Tom Bush Law Group are joining the Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI) to raise poverty awareness. Each participant wears one black dress for five consecutive days to illustrate the effects poverty can have on a woman’s access to resources and self-assurance, thus limiting her professional opportunities.
The LBDI was started by the Junior League of London during London Fashion week in February of 2014. Since then, there have been hundreds of participants around the globe fighting for the purpose of bringing awareness to poverty.
If you are interested in making a donation in support of the LBDI, the Junior League of Charlotte is taking donations to promote volunteerism, develop the potential of women and improve the community. Click here to make a donation: https://connect.clickandpledge.com/Organization/jlcharlotte/campaign/jlcLBDI